In her secretive role at Bletchley Park, an intelligence analyst feels the weight of the world
on her shoulders as she's forced to confront the cost of war and the barriers set before her.
Atlas explores themes of gender and service during an incredibly formative moment in history – the Second World War. It is inspired by the powerful true story of Caroline Chojecki MBE, a naval intelligence analyst based at Bletchley Park during the War.
Atlas tells the story of C, a twenty-four year old U-Boat specialist who has proved her worth in the complicated web of Naval Intelligence but still faces antagonism from her male colleagues. From Bletchley Park to the War Rooms and Whitehall, intrigue pervades every twist and turn of C’s journey through the story and its characters, each of whom presenting mysterious drives. 

Director: Freddie Green
Producer: James Wilkinson
Post Production: Laura Van De Hel